Silverdale WA Chiropractic Clinic Talks About Bulging Discs
Silverdale WA Chiropractic Clinic Talks About
Bulging Discs

Have you ever heard of a slipped disc? It’s a misnomer. Discs never “slip”, but they can bulge. When they do a Silverdale WA chiropractor may be able to help.
Intervertebral disc disorders are referred to as "contained" or "non-contained." A bulging disc is considered a contained disc disorder.
What is a bulging disc?
A bulging disc is actually the tough outer layer of cartilage in between your vertebrae that has not fully broken open - think of squeezing a balloon filled with hair gel. The disc may protrude into the spinal canal without pain or breaking open, instead, a small bubble pops out but remains attached to the disc.
Discs are exactly the right size to fit between your vertebrae so when a disc bulges, it extends outside the space it should normally occupy and can push into nerves in your spinal column.
Bulging is considered part of the normal aging process of the disc, making bulging discs an extremely common spinal injury. A bulging disc can stay relatively pain-free and undetected until you twist the wrong way, lift the wrong object, sneeze, or cough. A bulging disc can cause excruciating pain, lead to a diminished range of motion, and can in some cases cause organ dysfunction.
The good news is that even an acute disc bulge can heal itself over time and your chiropractor can likely help the healing process happen more efficiently.
Contact our team at The Chiropractors Clinic & Massage Therapy Center today if you are suffering from this problem. We have helped many patients with bulging discs using Spinal Decompression. Please click on this link for more information. We look forward to hearing from you.
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 5:00pm
1:00pm - 5:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 5:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
The Chiropractors Clinic & Massage Therapy Center
3595 NW Bucklin Hill Rd
Silverdale, WA 98383